Welcome to Milk the Sun,
the world's no. 1 marketplace
for commercial
photovoltaic systems
Sell or buy photovoltaic systems easily with our marketplace

Online PV marketplace
The No.1 online marketplace for buying and selling solar systems with over 30.000 users
PV marketplace

PV system management
Professional cost-free PV management with a secure virtual data room
View demoSystem managementWhy Milk the Sun

One-stop PV management
Our plattform offers you a combination of the world's largest online marketplace for purchasing and selling photovoltaic systems, a professional online management tool and access to selected services for optimizing your solar investment.

Cost-free and transparent
Using our marketplace as well as our online management tool is free of charge for you! Only selected services are fee based, which is always transparently shown to you. You can always easily decide for yourself, if costs and beneftis are reasonably balanced.

Our independence in choosing our partners ensures that you get the services of the highest quality and customer satisfaction for the lowest possible prices. With this in mind, we are working hard to further optimize our services for you.